What is Carding? Why Scammers are More?

1:What is carding?
   Carding is using someone's credit card details and money from his/her bank accounts without his/her knowledge so this act is basically illegal if you found doing this act you will be behind the bars so never ever do this at any cost, and real carders are very rare they don't reveal there identity anywhere and they card for them self they never commercialized publicly because they know the level of risk, now a days lot of people are predicting themselves as carder and posting ads on social media and people are falling for it, I request everyone to avoid this kind of people and ads on social media or anywhere its a pure scam ill say you what all they will say and try to manipulate by showing all fake proofs, I have caught lot of scammer who was trying to manipulate people with there fake proofs.

>Order Screenshots
>Order Invoice
>Tracking Link (People fall here actually please read full to Understand about this)
>Real Images used to motivate group members by saying customer received the product successfully (Read full to from where that images are)
>Payment Screenshots made by Customers

1: Order Screenshots
  They use fake CC details to get that screenshot after order this is randomly generated in some website which is totally fake if you use that details to order from e-commerce website the order will place and on that time they take screenshot to make fool for customer and say that his/her order is placed successfully and ask to pay rest of the amount but what about that order? That order payment verification will be failed and order will get cancelled in sometime with that even the account also will ban by e-commerce site for using fake details on that time they won't give tracking link for customer they will collect all the screenshot first then at once they will send to make believe customer that his/her order is placed.

2: Order Invoice
    As soon as they book the order with fake CC details the Invoice will generate and can download the invoice and save in your local storage so that later can send to customer.

3: Tracking Link
    The Tracking link what you get not actual your product tracking link so what fake carders do is after they book order and they check date of delivery after that they will order some small amount of product like from Grocery store and get the tracking link which is delivering on same date, that link to send customer (With that link the customer only can track the updates cant see any details with that link which product or product price) so here the people fall that they believe his/her product is actually delivering but that's the pure scam and you are the victim so please don't fall for it just offering Expensive product for less amount for sure they are going to block you after that and you can't file any compliant of that your lack of proofs because they use all fake name and fake identity they keep changing there user id and group name.

4: Real Images use to motivate group members
    The images which you see in group that actually customer is receiving the product and thanking admin for providing great services, let me say you how that is happing most of fake carders are in Telegram and this app has feature of changing the username as much as time you want so the carder will be having 2 smartphones with him they can easily send message to each other phone and create fake conversation screenshot to post in group to look like chat of customers
the real images they use is actually present in e-commerce website when you go Amazon or Flipkart check out the product reviews there you can find buyers will post real captured images 

As you can see the images this is from E-Commerce website which is mostly used in scamming group by uploading. usually people don't think so much to investigate about this Check some images this is how it looks but its fake as I said.

5: Payment Screenshots made by Customers
    The Screenshots posted in groups are not totally fake because people are falling for it and paying the amount to scammers that payment screenshots is been posted in groups 

You can see this images some payments made by buyers and some made by themselves may b, so anything can we photoshopped in this generation so don't believe everything what you see on social media 

2: Why Scammers are more?
     Scam is everywhere always purchase products from genuine platform like Amazon or Flipkart do not believe offers for less price there will some fishy be careful do not buy carded products if you found purchasing carded products then even you will be behind the bars so work hard and achieve, and Scammers are more because today people are falling for what the see so scammers also making thing attractive so that people should fall for them.

I kindly Request all people don't fall into such scams if someone is offering you like this please deny them or take a screenshot and complaint to your nearest cyber police but don't think of giving them money for scammers

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What is Carding? Why Scammers are More?

1:What is carding?    Carding is using someone's credit card details and money from his/her bank accounts without his/her knowledge so t...